Author Archives: Stephen Tobian

2013 – the year of the Band

This is a very good year to have a party.  On New Years Eve, I [...]

Behind the Scenes

For those of you who ever wondered what goes into a Utah Live Bands productions, [...]

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

I know Black Friday is already past and Cyber Monday is upon us; but if [...]

What’s New?

Every once and a while, a new act roles into town that is just too [...]

Wild & Unusual Entertainment

Utah Live Bands is and has been on many vendor’s “first call” list for bands [...]

Unique Ideas for Wedding Music

As my wife and I were coming up with ideas for our reception, one phrase [...]

Professionals vs. Experts

It doesn’t take a lot to call yourself a professional these days.  In fact, any [...]

Saving Money on Music (the smart way!)

Now, we all know that when you try and save money on entertainment, there is [...]