Back to School Music Lessons

The days are getting shorter, school is upon the horizon, and while shopping for new school supplies you realized that you really were lax with your children’s studies over the summer. Never fear, there is always tomorrow, but just to be safe let’s make changes today. As your kids are getting ready to go back to school you should be preparing to put them back into musical practice as well. A new school year means new opportunities and a fresh start at what may very well be a successful education. If you are a veteran at pushing your children into music or you are playing with the idea of doing it we are here to help. Here are some tips about how to incentivize your kids to practice music and tips that will help you keep them (and yourself) consistent.

If you are wondering how long practicing should be, it really depends on the instrument and level of the student but a general rule is that a student should practice for 30 minutes each day. Daily practicing will help the student retain what they have learned and build upon it without losing information and having to start again from scratch. One of the biggest trials of practicing an instrument is scales. Scales tend to drag on and do not produce the rock star feel that kids aspire to have while playing and instrument. They are, however, a necessary evil. Make scales fun, invent games out of them, songs, and even rewards for finishing.

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Practicing is vital to any instrument rather it be piano, violin, French horn, or the human voice. The trouble is that when you are working with kids the suggestion of practicing is often met with arguments and rolling-eyes.

One of the simplest ways to remedy the practicing clash is to get involved with what your kids are doing. With all the time constraints you have this may not be a possibility but for those that can make the time for it, you won’t regret it. If you sit in on lessons and practice time you will really understand what your child is learning. This not only generates feeling of support for the child, it also makes it easier to discuss their lessons and progress which will encourage them further. If discussions about their music and talents are kept strictly within the arguments of, “Go practice”, and, “You can’t make me” than its no wonder they have negative ideas about the work it takes to be a musician. Talk openly and often about their success in music and it will open a more positive mood about music and practicing.

If you are not confident about teaching your child music lessons yourself than you are not a bad parent, you are the majority. Seeking professional guidance is a great idea, professional teachers know how to work with kids and guide them with a gentle yet strict hand. For access to the greatest teachers in Utah CLICK HERE to see Utah Music Teachers rosters.

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If you have tips/tricks about teaching or practicing an instrument leave them in the comment section.

Nikole Higgins, Communications Director,