Disaster Relief
We realize that we are part of a greater, global community. We are so blessed with so many things living in this great country, but it is important to remember what’s happening around the world. We attempt to keep the victims of natural and man-made disasters in mind when directing our aid by partnering with the American Red Cross. See pictures from our last Disaster Relief event:
We work to be environmentally responsible
As an event company that puts on many large events, we make every effort we can to offset the energy we use in electricity and transportation. Since we don’t have the means of running hamsters in wheels to power our events, we purchase carbon offsets that fund renewable energy projects. The more energy we use and the more events we do, the more carbon offsets we purchase. We feel this is the best way we can “go green” in an industry that has unavoidable energy usage. To learn more about the projects we are helping to fund, visit http://www.terrapass.com/
Outreach Events
We look for and try to donate to causes that directly affect our local communities here in Utah. Examples of this include the Showdown For Support (where we partnered with Culinary Crafts to donate funds to hurricane victims), Operation Santa Surprise where we donated 60 blankets and other supplies to the YCC Crisis Shelter in partnership with Voodoo Productions. Multi-year fundraisers for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, Collaborations with Microsoft Community Outreach programs to build and support inner cities a foodrive partnership with the Southtown mall and many other causes.
Industry Organizations
Utah Live Bands is a leader in the entertainment industry and supports businesses and freelancers as members of industry associations. Owner, Michael Tobian is on the board of WIPA (Wedding International Professionals Association) over the inclusion and diversity program. Mr. Tobian was also a founding member and vice president of the Utah Live Events Industry Association, which was formed to support struggling members in the event industry during the COVID19 pandemic
Annual Utah Live Bands Jazz Scholarship
Utah Live Bands has awarded several scholarships each year to graduating high school music students planning on furthering their schooling in music and to college music students trying to pay for school.
As a service to the Utah music education community, Utah Live Bands operates the website UtahMusicTeachers.com as a free resource for teachers and students to connect and for students to stay in the loop of what is going on in the music community. Students have access to education materials, a calendar of relevant events, and performance and scholarship opportunities.